Your Maternity Service during Covid-19 Survey

We are urgently collecting questionnaires about maternity care during the pandemic. Please tell us about your experience regarding pregnancy, birth, and the postnatal period, including antenatal checks, antenatal classes, birth partner participation, transfer of care, mode of delivery, skin-to-skin with your infant, breastfeeding, birthing while Covid-19 negative or positive, etc.

* Your answers will give us insight into the current situation and help us reframe future practice.

* This questionnaire is conducted by the "Reproductive Research Executive Committee" (a recently formed group of volunteers that includes maternity health professionals/supporters and researchers). Please contact the Reproductive Research Executive Committee ( if you have any queries.

* We may contact you individually to confirm the information you have entered. Your personal information and confidentiality will be protected (barring any emergencies or accidents).

リプロ♡リサーチ実行委員会 Reproductive Research Executive Committee

産婦人科医療•助産に関わる医療者•支援者、研究者など有志の集まりです。新型コロナ禍の妊娠・出産に関する緊急アンケートを集めています。妊婦健診、出産前教室、立会い出産、転院、搬送、帝王切開、母児同室、陽性時の出産、授乳など、あなたの経験を教えて下さい。 あなたの回答は今後のよりよいあり方を考える手がかりになります。 そのほか、妊娠・出産に関する情報を発信していきます。


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